So I have a bunch a of pictures from the Leopard release event, and then when I installed. Plus one of the crew (as in rowing) team on the CMU Cut drumming up support (in the cold). One of Quinn being Quinn. And a pumpkin I made cause I was bored and was given a pumpkin. Then Optimus Prime in my calc class. Oh, and one last one of Kate (my sis) that I found while cleaning up my hard drive - she looks so different.
"Still, it's a real good bet, the best is yet to come." ~Frank Sinatra
October 31, 2007
October 26, 2007
So its around an hour and 15 minutes until 6PM and the Shadyside Apple Store opens up for the Leopard release. It's raining, but I'm #6 in line! But it is so worth it. Hopefully I can get it for the $69 education price - if not I'll just get the free shirt and play around. Did I mention I'm on about an hour's sleep?
October 24, 2007
Now 19 & Vegetarian Food Evil?
T-Minus 1 Day to B-Day
Happy Birthday - to Me
And a very happy un-birthday to you!
October 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Shira!
I just want to take a moment and wish Shira B. a happy birthday!
October 20, 2007
I don't know if it's because I'm in a city, or it's just Pittsburgh, but I've come across more blind people here than in the rest of my life combined (though that really isn't saying much). And they're amazing. I was riding the bus one day and this woman with a seeing eye dog was there. All she needed was someone to confirm what stop she was at. She seemed otherwise unhindered. And then today I was grocery shopping and a little old lady came up to me and asked if I knew where the baby carrots were. When I attempted to point them out she informed me that she was, in fact, blind. The only clue was a cane over in her shopping cart - no characteristic sunglasses, dog, etc, and she was looking right at me. I was stunned, and after apologizing brought her over to the carrots. My guess is that they must have switched location or something, and she didn't feel like groping all the produce. But other than that...
October 16, 2007
More Poetry
I've updated the Closet Poet page with Sweet Nothings Four through Seven. Why aren't all the Sweet nothings sweet nothings per se? Because they're part of a compilation (which I have the rest of my life to finish) called Sweet Nothings: Poetic Libations of Love, Lust, and Lament (a verbose alliteration of a working title, no?).
October 14, 2007
In Transition Preview
So if you were wondering what this sitcom pilot is that I'm working on, maybe this will clear things up. (But I doubt it.)
October 13, 2007
In recognition that Coming Out Day was on the 11th I've decided to admit it: