"Still, it's a real good bet, the best is yet to come." ~Frank Sinatra
August 4, 2009
That's right, SP has bottled the rocket; for use whenever we want.
Replacing the old "Clown-feet Rocket" the "Rocketship-in-a-Bottle" logo will now greet people to shullian.com.
Many thanks to my girlfriend, Hannah, who was sweet enough to do this for me (and put up with the tiniest, minutest, change requests).
2:14:00 AM
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Clown footed?! Well, I like the new logo, but that doesn't mean that Shullian.com is 'confined', does it?
It turned out quite nicely, I think.
And you're very welcome. :)
New logo looks sweet !
oh, and I thought I would post this here, just because I don't know where else this could be posted.
regarding sweet Get Lyrical app, it seems that if you put in your code to do a search for a song's name without any special characters (converting them, of course, from say "Corazón Partío" to "Corazon Partio" the app would find a lot more lyrics for those of us who also listen to non-english music. It seems whenever I change the name by just substituting the same name for one without accents it always finds the right song (it would just be convenient if the Get Lyrical could do this logically. IE: if it cannot find a song with special characters, then try searching with the non-special character substitutes, all the while leaving the name of the song alone in iTunes).
Well I know this request might as well be tossed to the wind, and if it is I will still love Get Lyrical as it provides a service that is soooo sweet.
Thanks again for your hard, many times uncelebrated, work.
Nice job!
I use your app everyday. I'm a guitar hobbiest and use it to sing along to everything from Hendrix to Robbie Williams, from Metallica to Suzanne Vega.
Thanks for a great app!
Nice job!
I use your app everyday. I'm a guitar hobbiest and use it to sing along to everything from Hendrix to Robbie Williams, from Metallica to Suzanne Vega.
Thanks for a great app!
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