October 27, 2009

Get Lyrical v3.3 - Now in German!

Get Lyrical 3.3 is out, and it's been localized to German (much thanks to Kay van Haagen!). There are also bug fixes that should clear up any problems with international, or just plain garbled lyrics. And of course, a new icon:

October 21, 2009

Get Lyrical in MACup's iPhone & Co

Get Lyrical was recently included on the cover mount CD of a special iPhone & Co issue of MACup magazine; "Europas erstes Magazin für Apple-Anwender" (yeah, it's German).

Get Lyrical is a perfect companion to lyric-lovers on the iPhone or iPod touch. It's actually easier to see lyrics in these devices than in iTunes itself. Once you let Get Lyrical tag your songs in iTunes, the lyrics will be sync to your device; just tap the cover art (between the top and bottom controls) to see the them:

You can also see lyrics on other iPods by clicking the center Select button (while in the music playback view) until you see the lyrics.

The latest version of Get Lyrical actually provides better support for non-English characters within lyrics. Some of my apps are even in multiple languages. (Eventually, I even hope to have a German version of Get Lyrical.)

They were nice enough to send me a copy: MACup